When: Sunday 23 October 2016
Where: TSB Bank Arena & Shed 6, Queens Wharf, Wellington
Time: 1.30pm - 10pm
Gold coin entry
Highlights included:
• Demonstrative and interactive workshops by world-renowned Gond mural artist Venkat Shyam
• Paper cut artist Parth Kothekar demonstrate the intricate craft and creation
• Puppet shows by Puppeteers from Rajasthan, India
• International Kathak dance group – internationally renowned artist Meghranjani
• Delicious Indian vegetarian cuisine from 18 food stalls in Shed 6
• Over 20 colourful arts, crafts, information & other diverse Indian retail stalls
• Non stop local & regional performances that included traditional, classical, fusion, fashion Bollywood and Bhangra acts.
• Storytelling and presentations for children
The event concluded with dazzling fireworks (sponsored by Cottrell Law) from the barge, by the Wellington Waterfront!
This event is brought to you by the Wellington City Council and Asia New Zealand Foundation. Diwali Festival of Lights is produced by the Communities Action Trust New Zealand (CATNZ).
Here are some videos and images from the event !